"Comunità che cura:
Dall'esperienza al modello di gestione della cronicità nel Sistema Sanitario Nazionale"
A cura di: Maria Rosaria Natale
Casa editrice: Egea
"The Community that Cares:
From experience to the chronicity management model in the National Health System"
Edited by: Maria Rosaria Natale
Publisher: Egea

le eccellenze per la cronicità
Roma, 20 ott. (askanews) - Cambiare il servizio sanitario italiano ripartendo dalle eccellenti esperienze territoriali sì può. È la filosofia alla base del forum istituzionale ospitato dal Ministero della Salute, che ha messo al centro il nuovo progetto: "La comunità che cura", un volume nel quale sono raccolte alcune delle più significative pratiche del SSN a livello regionale. Un lavoro intenso che evidenzia quali innovazioni si stanno attuando a livello locale per migliorare la presa in carico del paziente cronico. Come ha sottolineato l'autrice del libro, la dott. Maria Rosaria Natale, CEO di Your Business Partner: "Racconto di esperienze reali, con dati oggettivi. Sono percorsi che rendono migliore la vita del paziente, la qualità critica e riescono anche a diminuirei il costo. La dimensione territoriale della singola ASL non riesce ad avere un impatto significativo sulla dimensione regionale, che a sua volta non riesce ad avere impatto sulla dimensione nazionale". Un lavoro di ricerca, realizzato col contributo di Galapagos (azienda attiva nel settore delle biotecnologie) che ha portato all'identificazione di otto principali sfide per il sistema salute, che interessano tutto il territorio italiano e che stanno trovando già risposta nelle realtà locali prese in esame. Abbiamo parlato con Alberto Avaltroni, VP Country Head, Galapagos: "Galapagos con questo libro si è messa in una posizione d'ascolto. Piu di quaranta operatori sanitari a livello manageriale e strategico hanno esposto le loro idee e il loro approccio sulla presa in carico del paziente cronico. Sono emerse tantissime eccellenze e buone idee. Galapagos ha nella propria missione il trattamento delle terapie croniche, era nostro interesse primario conoscere la realtà del sistema sanitario nazionale, e devo dire che abbiamo trovato molte eccellenze". Un viaggio per l'Italia con un unico obiettivo comune: disegnare percorsi di cura efficaci dal punto di vista clinico, migliorativi della qualità di vita del paziente ed efficienti sul piano dei capitali investiti. Un nuovo modo di concepire la sanità che rispecchia in pieno gli obiettivi e le modalità del progetto "Comunità che Cura".
The Community that Cares
excellence in chronic care

Presentazione del Libro
"La Comunità che cura: Dall'esperienza al modello di gestione della cronicità nel Sistema Sanitario Nazionale“
a cura di Maria Rosaria Natale
Presentation of the book
"The Community that Cares: From Experience to the Management Model of Chronicity in the National Health System"
edited by Maria Rosaria Natale

a Value Based Healthcare project"
YBP designed "VITA", a Value Based Healthcare project on inflammatory
bowel diseases, realized at IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano with the collaboration of AMICI Italia - Associazione nazionale per le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche dell'Intestino and sponsored by Takeda Italia.
We are proud of our unique method, of having anthropological conversations with patients where they can freely share their experiences, desires, unmet and unarticulated needs.

Article by Angelica Migliorisi on "Il Millimetro" about how it is possible to create new models to tackle the issue
of rare diseases, «developing solutions for those who still do not own the right
to have one».
This is what NAPO THERAPEUTICS is pursuing with what we defined as the "NAPO WAY" , representing an innovation in the pharma industry, giving hope to patients affected by rare diseases and having strong unmet medical needs. The Human Value Based model that Napo is developing, together with Your Business Partner can really make a difference in many people’s lives.
Il Millimetro

Drugs in context
Paper by Maria Rosaria Natale, Chiara Degirolamo, Fabio Perversi, Giustino Varrassi.
Chronic pain is a major health concern, albeit underestimated in times of a pandemic. With about a third of pain patients without a diagnosis and delayed referral to pain therapy specialists, the current management of chronic pain requires significant re-evaluation.

A fundamental contribution to rethinking chronicity within the design of the PNRR.
In the paragraph "The management of chronic conditions between the territory and the hospital, state of the art and gap to fill", Maria Rosaria Natale, PhD, explains how the Value Based Healthcare method can be the connection between "hardware and software", allowing the Italian health system to be truly excellent.
Quaderno 36

"Ideas for a healthy Milan"
Maria Rosaria Natale PhD our CEO, intervenes on the need for a change of perspective in healthcare that makes everyone win.
She compares the realities of Milan and London, where the formal perfection of English processes - but only on paper - is matched by our ability to truly take charge of the patient.

Value based healthcare
and "the Netherlands case" :
Our founder and owner Maria Rosaria Natale PhD, wrote an article for Il Sole 24 Ore in which she talks about how a Human Value-Based Healthcare system leads to improved patient health outcomes while containing resources for the sustainable growth of the National Health Service.

Revolution in healthcare
Human Value Based, the approach launched by YBP together with HVB Think Tank.
Nothing gives more hope for everyone than hearing true stories told by the protagonists. Quoting Josie Walsh, former CEO of Providence Hospital - Toronto: "everyone asks me what the formula for our success is. Nobody asks me: what do I have to change, personally, to achieve the success?”
The key word is INVOLVEMENT.

“La manager delle reti
«Via dagli Usa, qui c’è tutto ciò che serve»”
An article of IL SOLE 24 ORE about our beloved friend, Nadia Benabdallah - who joined She Leads in September.
Find out more about YBP's She Leads project, Nadia's career in Vodafone and why Italy could be a strategic country for digital networks innovation.

“PERSonalised mEdicine for Patients with Haemophilia and Other rare bleediNg disordErs – PERSEPHONE project”
The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine of the European Commission has recognized the PERSEPHONE PROJECT among the Best Practice Examples in Personalised Medicine.
The objective of the project “PERSonalised mEdicine for Patients with Haemophilia and Other rare bleediNg disordErs” (PERSEPHONE) has been to implement a personalized approach for optimal multidisciplinary care of hemophilic patients. The patient management pathway was re-designed based on a Value-Based Healthcare (VBH) approach.

“Human Value Based Healthcare, the person and the network to relaunch healthcare”
The aim of Value Based Healthcare is to define new healthcare models that could improve patients’ health outcomes and contain spending. This strategic approach was the focus of the "Human Value Based Healthcare - The Person and the Network" workshop, organized by the consulting company Your Business Partner.
The evolution of this methodology, defined as Human Value Based Healthcare, is based on the doctor-patient relationship, that is understood as a human relationship rather than a professional one. The goal of this approach is to build paths that start from the patients’ needs by involving the various health care actors in an effective network.
Maria Rosaria Natale, CEO of Your Business Partner explains the principles and objectives of this approach.

“Donne top manager”
Imprese e lavoro (Imprese-lavoro.com) is the most important online info-press newspaper related to the economy of the Milanese and Lombard territory. Here they are talking about what our SHE LEADS event is about.


“Empathy is Business”
An article of Corriere della Sera Economia about the importance of Empathy in business contexts.
YBP Innovation & Leadership Community, a group of top managers from different Countries and Industries are working on the creation of an EMPATHY LEXICON, a practical tool to help managers to better interact with their team, clients, shareholders.

“She Leads”
Listen to Maria Latella's interview to Maria Rosaria Natale, Phd, Founder of YBP, on "SHE LEADS" about the importance of leadership examples able to reach great results in difficult situations and moments of crisis.

Petrarca: le parole della cultura”
A video realised by RAITRE for the TV programme 'Petrarca: le parole della cultura' (Petrarch: the words of culture) to tell the story of the YBP Innovation & Leadership Community, an international community that brings together top managers and entrepreneurs from different industries and geographies to work as a 'Collective Genius' to create innovation prototypes to be implemented in their companies.

“Learning in involvement”
An article of Harvard Business Review Italy that retraces the experience of the first YBP leadership community 2012-2013.
Narrated by Maria Rosaria Natale and a participant in the path, Roberto Fedeli, SVP Ferrari Luxury Cars, whom we would like to thank for sharing his experience and feedback.

YBP International advertisements

Neuropsychological Trends on
New business models
The Agents and Inter-Agents in a neuroscientific domain.
Maria Rosaria Natale, P.h.D., with Prof. Michela Balconi and Nadia Benabdallah (Vodafone Group Network Engineering Director).
Agency and inter-agency are the keys for living in our complex world!

VBHC Project
We are very pleased to share the article published on Value Based Healthcare Thinker Magazine written by Lorenzo Rimoldi.
YBP is involved in many projects focused on Value Based Healthcare and winning the Dragon’s endorsement alongside with our clients gave us the certainty of being on the right path.
Helping companies rethinking their processes with the person in mind is our mission and we are proud of our work.

Wired Magazine
Federica Ionta interviewed Maria Rosaria Natale, P.h.D, about the hiring system in Italy.

From the archives
In this article Interview Maria Rosaria Natale PhD, our founder and CEO talks about himself, pointing out the key to his ability to build in the company: sharing

Poster presented at 13th C1-inhibitor Deficienc and Angioedema Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 4-7 May 2023.
Poster by Alessandra Gorini (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS), Lorenza Chiara Zingale (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS), Beatrice De Maria (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS), Lorenzo Rimoldi (YBP - UK), Nurgul Nsanbayeva (YBP - ITA), Giorgia Lano (YBP - ITA), Bhavya Krishnan (YBP - UK) Enrico Rimoldi (YBP - ITA), Maria Rosaria Natale (CEO YBP), Laura Adelaide Dalla Vecchia (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS), Francesca Perego (Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS).

"Review: La sagesse de l'histoire: